Empowering Rhythms, Connecting Cultures

Brazilian Council On Samba

Brazilian Council on Samba, where passion meets purpose in the heartbeat of global unity.



The Brazilian Council on Samba is a nonprofit organization established in NY in April/
2016 dedicated to educating children and adults about Brazilian culture as well as,
fostering and further developing the Brazilian art, history & culture of Samba, and its
connexions with organizations which promote carnival in NY, surrounding states, and in the world at

Our Community Engagement

We strive to bring together, and open a dialogue with, the samba and the international carnival
lovers, artists, activists, journalists, scholars, educators, students, revelers, workers,
business executives, and government agencies, to help present, promote, and
produce programs, projects and events with the objective of better understand and address the social,
cultural, and economic needs of the actors who partake in the samba and international carnival

Our Team

The Brazilian Council on Samba is made up of a select group of people among scholars,
organic intellectuals, artists and activists, interested in the history and development of
samba and carnival culture in Brazil and its interactions with other cultures all around
the world

Our Unity

We have come together to create an organization with a wealth of professional, artistic, and academic
talents, dedicated to analyzing the development of samba and carnival around the world, focusing on its
positive social, economic, educational, cultural impact, as well as its political issues. The organization
also intends to write, publish articles and make public policy recommendations


Visão Geral
O Conselho do Samba é uma organização sem fins lucrativos estabelecida em NY em abril /
2016 dedicada a educar crianças e adultos sobre a cultura brasileira, bem como
fomentar e desenvolver ainda mais a arte, a história e a cultura brasileira do samba em
conexão com as organizações que promovem o carnaval em NY, nos estados vizinhos e no mundo em

Engajamento Comunitário

Nós nos esforçamos para reunir, e abrir um diálogo com, os amantes do samba e da cultura internacional
do carnaval, artistas, ativistas, jornalistas, pesquisadores, educadores, estudantes, foliões, trabalhadores do
carnaval, executivos empresariais, e agências governamentais, para ajudar a apresentar, promover e
produzir programas, projetos e eventos com o objetivo de melhor compreender e atender às necessidades
sociais, culturais e econômicas dos profissionais que participam do samba e da cultura internacional do

Nossa Equipe

O Conselho do Samba é formado por um seleto grupo de pessoas, entre elas, estudiosos,
intelectuais orgânicos, artistas e ativistas, interessados na história e desenvolvimento do
samba e da cultura carnavalesca no Brasil, e suas interações com outras culturas ao redor
do mundo

Nossa Unidade

Nós nos unimos para criar uma organização com vários recursos e talentos profissionais, artísticos e
acadêmicos, dedicada a analisar o desenvolvimento do samba e do carnaval em todo o mundo, enfocando
seu positivo impacto social, econômico, educacional, cultural, e suas questões politicas. A organização
também pretende escrever, publicar artigos e fazer recomendações de políticas publicas

Our Objectives

Support Artistic Excellence and Creativity.

Nurturing the talents of Samba artists to reach new heights of artistic brilliance.

Instill Pride in Brazilian Children

Fostering cultural pride within the diverse social and cultural melting pot of New York

Present Free or Affordable Samba Experiences

Bringing Samba to everyone with free or affordable events, classes, and high-quality workshops

Teach the History, Art, and Culture of Samba

Enriching minds with comprehensive education on the history and cultural significance of Samba.

 Incubate New Projects and Promote Cross-Cultural Activities

Catalyzing innovation and collaboration by incubating new projects and fostering cross-cultural exchange.

Convene Field Leaders and Collaborate with Partners

Establishing a collaborative network, offering support, information, and advisory services to strengthen the Samba community.

Broaden Public Access and Appreciation of Samba

Creating widespread impact by broadening access, fostering appreciation, and providing continuous education in Samba arts and culture.

Join the Rhythm

Become a Member of the Brazilian Council on Samba!

Become a part of the heartbeat of Brazilian culture! Join the Brazilian Council on Samba and immerse yourself in the rhythmic and vibrant world of Samba.